Nothing worth while comes easy!

I dont believe that anyone ever has achieved “overnight success”. I mean to wake up and put an idea into action… wait till the next morning and boom millionaire..

This just doesnt happen! Every idea worth chasing, worth pursuing is hard and usually takes years of learning before the final product is finished! 

People though Steve Jobs was crazy, at one point he even left the company, but 36 years after the creation of the first apple computer they have a revenue upwards of 100 billion dollars! Larger than google and microsoft combined!

It wont be easy, people are not going to hand you your dreams, people will call you crazy because you can do something that they cannot! 

Dont let anyone pull you away from your dreams! Show them how stupid they are for trying to stop you by succeeding beyond their wildest dreams! People are small minded with a narrow view on life, help these people by showing them what can be done when you believe in your dreams!!

Now go out and make your dreams happen!

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